Terms and Conditions

The Xantho website and webshop are property of:

Xantho BV Franklin Rooseveltlaan 348 B11 9000 Ghent, Belgium

VAT BE 0738812376

Bank account details:

KBC IBAN: BE61 7390 1917 8517 BIC: KREDBEBB

www.xantho.com info@xantho.com

General terms and conditions
You have the right to notify Xantho BV that you renounce your purchase, without payment of a penalty and without giving a reason, within 14 calendar days from the day following the delivery of the good.

Applicable terms and conditions
The terms and conditions (the following terms and conditions) apply to all orders placed through the Xantho webshop. By ordering products on the Xantho webshop you accept these terms and conditions.

Xantho BV reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice.

Items are for normal private use only.

It is possible that the information offered on the Xantho website is incomplete, contains material errors or is not up-to-date. Xantho BV is, as far as the correctness, up-to-dateness or completeness of the information offered is concerned, only held to a means commitment. If you have specific questions, please contact our customer service department.

All products are provided according to availability and can be deleted at any time. The Xantho webshop is automatically updated to always offer you the most recent products. Nevertheless, it can happen that an article is out of stock. If the overall delivery time, counting from the acceptance of the order, exceeds 15 days, you will be contacted by our customer service department.

Xantho BV is entitled, without giving reasons, to refuse orders, to adjust delivery times, to split deliveries, or to attach other conditions to the delivery.

Sales agreement
Before payment is made during the sales process, you will be asked to confirm your agreement with these full terms and conditions.

Purchases through the Xantho webshop are concluded when you receive a confirmation message that the order has been successfully processed and payment has been received.

Force Majeure
Xantho BV shall not be liable for loss or damage resulting from failures, delays or non-performance of obligations due to acts of God, including strikes, lockouts, riots, war, fire, accidents, shortages at the suppliers or manufacturers of our ingredients and packaging, governmental restrictions, non-granting of import or export licenses, violation of laws, regulations or orders or due to other circumstances or causes which prevent proper compliance with these Terms and Conditions or due to other causes beyond Xantho BV's control.

Xantho BV customer service
Any defect, visible damage and/or qualitative deficiency of an article or any other shortcoming in the delivery, must be reported within 14 calendar days from the day following the delivery of the good, under penalty of forfeiture of any right.Our customer service can be contacted by e-mail or by mail at the following address : Xantho BV, Franklin Rooseveltlaan 348 B11, 9000 Ghent, Belgium or via info@xantho.com.

You accept that electronic communications, electronic signatures and backups may serve as evidence.

Applicable law and competent court

Belgian law shall apply, with the exception of the Belgian rules of referral from Belgian private international law. In case of disputes, only the courts of Ghent are competent.

Online Payments
Price and Payment

All prices on the Xantho webshop are expressed in euros including VAT and possible costs for shipping and payment, unless otherwise communicated during the sales process.

Payment is possible with the following payment options

KBC account
ING account
Belfius account
American Express account

U erkent en aanvaardt de betaling van alle kosten voor verzending, betaling en verhandeling, alsook de betaling van de BTW en alle andere toepasselijke heffingen op uw bestelling. Deze kosten worden automatisch voor u berekend, duidelijk weergegeven tijdens het plaatsen van uw bestelling en samen met de totale kostprijs van het product van uw rekening gedebiteerd.


Xantho BV werkt met samen met derden voor de verzending van uw bestelling. De kosten van verzending zijn afhankelijk van de door u gekozen verzendingswijze en de bestemming van uw artikelen. Indien er voor uw aankoop verzendingskostenkosten van toepassig zijn worden duidelijk weergegeven tijdens het plaatsen van uw bestelling via de Xantho webshop.

De vermelde verzendings- en leveringsdata zijn niet meer dan ideale schattingen en Xantho BV kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor verliezen, beschadigingen of kosten die worden veroorzaakt door de niet-naleving van de opgegeven verzendings- en leveringsdata.


De geleverde artikelen blijven tot op het ogenblik van volledige betaling de exclusieve eigendom van Xantho BV. Het risico wegens verlies of beschadiging gaat evenwel over op u vanaf de levering. U verbindt er zich toe zo nodig derden op het eigendomsvoorbehoud van Xantho BV te wijzen. 


Indien de door Xantho BV geleverde goederen tekortkomingen vertonen of gebrekkig blijken te zijn, zullen deze door Xantho BV binnen de geldende garantietermijnen en -voorwaarden voorgeschreven door de Belgische wet kosteloos vervangen worden. Xantho wordt dan eigenaar van het vervangen goed. 

Return Policy

You have the right to notify Xantho that you renounce your purchase, without payment of any penalty and without giving a reason, within 14 calendar days from the day following the delivery of the item.

Only items that are in their original, unopened and undamaged packaging, together with all accessories, inserts and invoice or proof of purchase will be taken back. Used items or items whose packaging (or part of it) has been opened will not be taken back under any circumstances.

If you wish to exercise your right to cancel your purchase, you must notify us in writing within 14 calendar days of delivery of your goods at the following address: Franklin Rooseveltlaan 348/11, 9000 Ghent. The goods must be returned within 20 calendar days from delivery at your expense to Xantho BV, at the following address: Franklin Rooseveltlaan 348/11, 9000 Ghent.